Christian Rasmussen

SPictureCollection IDRulerOther ReferencesMetalDenominationMintDateWeight in gramsDiameterNotesObverse FieldReverse FieldObverse MarginReverse MarginDie Axis
ULJ#129, A-2190A(var.)UljaytuA-2190A(var.)AEFalsSultaniya7136.930.18Pictorial, Scorpion; Anonymous cast Fals commemorating the dedication of Sultaniya as the new Ilkhan capital in 713AH. This type exists in different weights and sizes: Diler's example is 9.50 g / 27 mm (see Diler, 2006, p. 420); and Album #24, lot 510 is 7.13 g / 29 mm.Acccording to Vladimir Nastich the Uigur countermark on the scorpion on the obverse obverse is an Uigur attempt at writing the Persian word خوب , meaning "good, fine; legal"(See: Polymnia. Numismatica e medievale. Studi, 1, Trieste 2010, p. 165-90); As ULJ#67 , but without center hole. Steve Album estimates that out of 10 specimns 7 will be with central hole, and 3 without (pers. comm. March, 2024)  في شهور سنة ٧١٣فلس شهر مبارك سلطانية****
ULJ#9,, Sunface
الجايتو خدا
بنده محمد
ابو بكر | و عمر | و عثمان | الي
ULJ#101, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFalsm.m.d.m.2.122.38Pictorial (Goat and Hare facing); attribution to ruler is tentative; overstrike    ***
السلطان الاعظم
... الامم لجايتو
؟؟؟ ؟؟؟ ؟؟؟
خدبنده محمد
... سبمئة ......... الا الله محمد رسول ا
ULJ#53, A-2190UljaytuA-2190, Diler 2006, Ul-423AEFalsAmasiyan.d.1.5719.80Pictorial: Mounted Falconer (right); Plate Coin, Diler 2006, Ul-423; Possibly only two examples known; Ex J.-C. Hinrichs Collection
السلتان الاظم
غياث الدنيا و الدن
خدابند محمد
خلد الله ملكه
... | باماسية | ... | ...
ULJ#67, A-2190AUljaytuA-2190A; Diler Ul-445AEFalsSultaniya7138.9534.17Pictorial, Scorpion; Anonymous cast Fals commemorating the dedication of Sultaniya as the new Ilkhan capital in 713AH. This type exists in different weights and sizes: Diler's example is 9.50 g / 27 mm (see Diler, 2006, p. 420); and Album #24, lot 510 is 7.13 g / 29 mm.Acccording to Vladimir Nastich the Uigur countermark on the scorpion on the obverse obverse is an Uigur attempt at writing the Persian word خوب , meaning "good, fine; legal"(See: Polymnia. Numismatica e medievale. Studi, 1, Trieste 2010, p. 165-90) ; As ULJ#129, but with central hole. Steve Album estimates that out of 10 specimns 7 will be with central hole, and 3 without (pers. comm. March, 2024)
في شهور سنة ٧١٣فلس شهر مبارك سلطانية***
ULJ#81, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFalsm.m.7151.821.41Pictorial (Sunface)
السلطان الاعظم
غياث الدنيا و الدين
خدابنده محمد
خلد الله ملكه

سنة خمس | و عشر |سبعمائة | ...
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله علي ولي الله
ULJ#48, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFalsm.m.d.m.6.5224.85Countermark: عال , possibly meaning "high validity"; Pictorial, Lion and Sun, Mint probably Sultaniya
اولجايتو سلطان
محمد خدابنده
خلد ملكه

ULJ#109, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFalsm.m.d.m.1.720.33 

السلطان الاعظم
غالدزنيا و الدين
خدبنده محمد
غلد الله ملكه
ULJ#31, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFalsm.m.d.m.1,8021.60By obverse design/layout mint probably Darjan (or Dizmar, as claimed by Diler)
السلطان الاعظم
غياث الدنيا و الدين
خدبنده محمد
خاد الله ملكه
< B>لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
ULJ#30, A-2190UljaytuA-2190, Diler 2006, Ul-429AEFalsal-Jazirad.m.1.7019.41Overstrike, Pictorial, Sunface
الاعظم خدا
بنده محمد
| وعمر | ... | ... |
.... | | ...... | لا اله الا الله
ULJ#1, A-2190BUljaytuA-2190B, Diler 2006, Ul-446AEFalsSultaniya7134.0321.31Anonymous cast Fals commemorating the dedication of Sultaniya as the new Ilkhan capital in 713AH; Acccording to Vladimir Nastich the Uigur countermark at the center of the obverse is an Uigur attempt at writing the Persian word خوب , meaning "good, fine; legal"(See: Polymnia. Numismatica e medievale. Studi, 1, Trieste 2010, p. 165-90)
طالع سالعقرب سنه 713
عدل شهر سلطانيه
ULJ#14, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFalsSi'irtd.m1.9718.67Pictorial, Lion and Sun
اولجايتو خدابنده
محمد خلد الله
ULJ#41, A-2190UljaytuA-2190AEFals??1.2615.76Kalima omitting Muhammad
خدابند محمد
...؟؟ ملكه و
لا اله الا
رسول الله
ULJ#47, A-2190UljaytuA-2190; SNAT XIVa, Khorasan I, #95AEFalsJajermd.m.3.8820.89Obverse design as A-2188, but different script
غياث الدنيا و الدين
اولجايتو سلطان
خلد الله
(Inner margin):
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله الي
(Outer margin):

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