Christian Rasmussen

SPictureCollection IDRulerOther ReferencesMetalDenominationMintDateWeight in gramsDiameterNotesObverse FieldReverse FieldObverse MarginReverse MarginDie Axis
#38, A-A2260(var.)SuleymanA-2260XAR6 Dirhem?7413.7217.67Contemporary imitation of A-A2260, somewhat blundered in both the obverse marginal text and the mint name; date rendered counter-clockwise
السلطان العادل
سلمان خان خلد ملكه
لا اله الا
الله محمد
رسول الله

سنة | احد | البعين | سبعمائة
شلاع لآشنر | علي | عثمان | عمر
#41, A-2254E(var.)SuleymanA-2254EAR2 Dirhem??1.3816.86Variant; reverse in a plain square; Eastern Anatolian imitation (Steve Album, pers. comm. Nov., 2015)
(Uigur): Sulayman Khan
خلد ملكة

لا اله الا الله
رسول الله

ابو بكر | علي | عثمان | عمر
#39, A-N2260SuleymanA-N2260AR6 Dirhemal-Basrad.m.4.2419.19Ex Ruud Schüttenhelm Collection (Album Auction #17 / 789)
العادل سلما
خلد الله ملكه

لا اله الا

رسول الله
...............البصرة .....................
#22, A-G2260SuleymanA-G2260AR2 DirhemAl-Jazira(7)451.2018.02Blundered legend
السلطا الها
(in Uigur): Suleyman
جلد الله ملكه
لا ال الا
رسو الله
ضرب جمس | و اربعين | جزيره | ....
#11, A-2258SuleymanA-2258, Diler 2006, Su-776AR2 DirhemAmid(7)411.3017.59Mint spelled as Aymid (see Diler 2006, p. 49); According to Album this issue was struck by the Artukids of Mardin around 750AH
السلطان الهادل
سليمان خان
خلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا
ضرب في | احد وا | ربعين | سبعمائة | ... | ايمد
SUL#20, A-2260SuleymanA-2260; Diler 2006, Su-798; Vardanyan #35AEFalsAni(7)412.8021.64Pictorial: Standing human figure; Script on either side of figure as yet unread; Diler Su-798 Plate Specimen; Ex J. - C. Hinrichs Collection ; Obverse in an octofoil. Other known examples have obverses in hexafoil, eye-shape, oval or lobated oval designs. See also SUL# 25, SUL#26, SUL#33, SUL#34 & SUL#35
سلطان العادل
(In Uighur): Sulayman Khan
??? ???
ضرب اني | شنة احا | ار | بعين | ...
SUL#33, A-2260SuleymanA-2260; Diler Su-799AEFals(Ani)d.m.2,221.23One of several variants of this type; see also SUL#20, SUL#25, SUL#26 & SUL#35
السلطان العادل
(in Uigur): Sulayman Khan
خلد ملكه

SUL#34, A-2260SuleymanA-2260; Diler Su-798 - 802AEFalsAnid.m.1.818.37Lobated Oval / Arms down; Variety not in Diler (combines Diler-802 and Diler-800)
(In Uigur): Sulayman Khan

ضرب انئ في سنة ......
SUL#26, A-2260SuleymanA-2260; Diler Su-801AEFalsAnid.m.1.8019.44Oictorial: Stading human figure; Lobated Oval obverse
(In Uigur): Sulayman

.......... اني ....
Script so far unread (Not Armenian)
SUL#35, A-2260SuleymanA-2260, Diler 801AEFals(Ani)d.m.2.120.96One of several variants (See also SUL#20, SUL#25, SUL#26 & SUL#33; Variant of Diler- 801
(in Uigur): Sulayman Khan
جلد ملكه

.................ضرب اني في سنة
#24, A-F2260SuleymanA-F2260, Diler 2006, Su-787ARDirhemArzarum7420.9220.27Script largely blundered
العادل سليمان
خلد الله ملكه
سنة اثنان و اربعين
و سبعمائة
لا اله الا الله
لسول الله
وروم | ابو بكر | ... | ... | ... | ضرب ارز
#45, A-X2260SuleymanA-X2260ARDirhemArzarum7460.713.33"There are 2 examples in the Tübingen collection, but I never added the type to Checklist .........Catalog it for now as X2260. I’ll try to get images of the two Tubingen pieces" (Steve Album (pers. message Jan., 19)
السلطان العادل (in Uigur): Sulaymanخلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا الله محمدرسولالله
في سنة
سته ارنعين
صرب ارزروم
و سبعمائة

ابو بكر | عثمان | ... | عمر
#5, A-2250(var.)SuleymanA-2250, Diler 2006, Su-771AR2 DirhemArzinjan(7)401.4817.88Variant, Plain Square, Local imitation. Ex Edmond Wardeh Collection
هلعادل سليمان
خان خلد ملكه
لا اله الا الله
رسول الله
... | ؟؟؟ |ضرب ارزنجان | اربعين
ابو بكر | ... | ... | الي
#20, A-2254ESuleymanA-2254E, Diler 2006, Su-778, SICA #6AR2 DirhemAwnik7481.3819.06Identical to SICA #6, with date read as 743

ضرب اونيك ثمان اربعين سبعمائة
SUL#15, A-2260SuleymanA-2260AEFalsBaghdadd.m.0.9114.59 
ضرب بغداد
الله محمد
رسول الله
...| ... | عثمان | الي

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