Christian Rasmussen

SPictureCollection IDRulerOther ReferencesMetalDenominationMintDateWeight in gramsDiameterNotesObverse FieldReverse FieldObverse MarginReverse MarginDie Axis
#5, A-C2233Sati BekA-C2233ARHalf DirhemBaghdad(7)400.4912.29Apparently unpublished, Ex Baldwin's 13/516
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| .. ضرب | بغداد | سنة في | ار
... | ... | علي | عمر
#10, Sati Bek, NIASati BekNIAARDirhemWaramin (?)d.m.1.115.51Steve Album:"I won’t list this as a new type for Sati Beg until a better specimen is located. As for the mint, it is unclear in your image, but might be Varamin ورامين, a town near Tehran that was occasionally a mint in the late Ilkhan through the early Safavid period." (Pers. Comm., Oct.,18)
سلطان سا
تي بك خان
خلد الله ملكه

لا اله الا الله
رسول الله

SAT#6, A-D2233.2Sati BekA-D2233.2AEFals.m.m.d.m.1.417.25Quatrefoil petals not in vertical/horizontal as in silver 2-dirhems, thus struck with special fals dies
السلطان العادل
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خلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا

#1, A-2231Sati BekA-2231, Diler 2006, Sa-720AR2 DirhemArzan7391.4516.24Titles as "al-'Adila" and "Khana" (variant not mentioned by Album or Diler) , Mint = Arzan al-Rum, i.e. Erzurum
في سنه
السلطان العادله
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خلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا
في سنة | ... | ... | ضرب اارزن
لا اله الا محمد رسول الله
(in pointed quatrefoil)
(outer margin): ...| ... | ... | عثمان
SAT#4, A-D2233.1Sati BekA-D2233.1, Diler 2006, Sa-724AEHalf Fals?m.m.d.m.1.4614.90Apparently clipped down to half size. Mint known to be Mardin, and date 38 Khani. See also SAT#1, A-D2233.1
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SAT#3, A-D2233.2Sati BekA-D2233.2AEFalsArzarumn.d.1.518.41Pictorial (Lion, right)
سلطان الاعدل
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خلد الله ملكه
ضرب ارزروم

#2, A-2231Sati BekA-2231AR2 DirhemHisn7381.6617.35Title: al-'Adila, as Diler 720, but rounded quatrefoil lobes, and reverse inner circle in dots
شلسلطان العادله
ساتي بك خان
خلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا
في سنة | تسعت | ثلثين | سبعمئة |ضرن | حصن
محمد |الامين | لسول | الله
SAT#5, A-D2233.2Sati BekA-D2233.2; Diler Sa-725AEFalsIrawan(739)1.716.55Similar to SAT#2, A-D2233.2, but with ruler's title
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....تس ...,.
ابو بكر عثمان | ؟؟؟؟ | .... | ....
SAT#7, A-D2233.2Sati BekA-D2233.2AEFalsm.m.d.m.1.716.91Text on both sides much blundered
السلطان العادل
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خلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا الله

#9, A-2232.1(var.)Sati BekA-2232.1; Diler 2006, Sa-721AR2 DirhemSinjar7(3)92.0215.60Variant: Sati's name spelled with an initial ص , rather that the usual س (see Diler footnote 2493 & Zeno-# 125874)
السلطان العادل
صاتي بك خان

خلد ملمه

لا اله الا
رسول الله

... | تسع | ... | سبعمائة | ضرب سنجار
#3, A-2232.1Sati BekA-2232.1, Diler 2006, Sa-721AR2 DirhemWasit7392.1118.16Obverse inner circle in dots
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السلطان العادل
ساتي بك خان
خلد الله ملكه
لا اله الا الله
رسول الله
سنة في | تسع ثلاثين | سبعمائة | صرب | وسط
#7, A-2232.2Sati BekA-2232.2, Diler 2006, Sa-722AR2 DirhemBaghdad7402.1318.19 center> السلطان الاعظم
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خلد الله ملكه
center> الله
لا اله الا
رسول الله
center>ضرب في | اربعين | سبعمائة | حلاليه ضرب | لاغدادcenter>... | علي | عثمان | عمر*
SAT#1, A-D2233.1Sati BekA-D2233.1, Fitzwilliam CM.1002-1996, Diler 2006, Sa-724AEFalsm.m.d.m.2.1321.64Pictorial, Sunface, Title as "as-Sultana", overstrike. Mint known to be Mardin, and date 38 Khani. See also SAT#4, D2233.1.
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No Legend
... | ... | ين | سنة | ... | ثلا | ثين | ...
#6, A-B2233Sati BekA-B2233AR2 DirhemHamadan7392.1717.03Ex Baldwin's 13/515
العادل ساتي يك
سنة ثلثين و
لا اله الا الله
رسول الله
عمر | عثمان | الي | ضرب | همدان | ابو بكر
SAT#2, A-D2233.2Sati BekA-D2233.2, Diler 2006, Sa-725AEFalsTabriz(73)92.4716.86 
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صرب تبريز ......تسع ...
لا اله الا الله | محمد ... | ... | ...

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